Wednesday, July 29, 2009


July 29, 2009

Once again the Pollocrats are trying to SWIFTBOAT the Healthcare reform by using poll questions to discredit Obama.

First the questions themselves create fear.................the subject itself creates Fear

Secondly...........Today the NBC/WALL ST journal POLLS came out.
BOTH of these MEdia and have much to gain to use poll questions and numbers to swiftboat or delay the Healthcare reform....................because they are making millions $$$$$ on the ADs the industry and the parties will have to spend to AttAcK and counter - attack.

The number of people who have insurance being 160 million to 180 million makes you think well only those who Do NOT have should worry about it ( 46 millions).

The Republican talking points are repeated so much that they have created the FEAR factor.
The Democrats have not invented one single TALKING POINT as of yet , to refute their lies.


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