Tuesday, July 07, 2009


July 7 ,2009

This morning Joe Scarborough of MSNBC gloated over a GALLUP poll asking the American people if they considered themselves
MORE conservative 39 %
More Liberal 18 %
about same 42 %

Joe who wants to prove that the American People are more conservative so that he can revive the Republican Party SHOWCASED the 39 % conservative over the 18% liberal.
BUT he conveniently forgets to notice the 42 % who have not changed...............

BUT my point is something else.......................Considering the fact that the Republicans have been able for 30 years to basj the Liberals, and that the LIBERALS have disappeared in the CLOSET...........................and actually a new group calling themselves PROGRESSIVES have been able to actually win BIG in 2006 and on Nov 4 , 2008 .............DO YOU NOT think that it is ODD that the GALLUP ..................CONVENIENTLY forgets to ask the american people (1000 or so it polls ) whether they are PROGRESSIVE or not.................

I BET PEOPLE would not mind REVEALING that they are Progressives like TRUE AMERICANS should be !!!
after all, if it were not for progressives..............we would still be in the Middle ages.

This makes me happy that I coined the word POLLOCRACY over 19 years ago and last year....................the POLLoCRATS (pollsters with a political agenda , who design their questions accordingly )

Honestly, poltical public opinion polls often SHAPE opinion rather than GAUGE them ...............and they are being helped by the PUNDITOCRACY who are stupid enough to believe them or clever enough to realize the numbers fit their personal or professional agenda.


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