Monday, January 01, 2007


I must confess that I really love Public Opinion Polls.

I , like most people am curious enough to know what others think about a particular issue or event etc.....

What got me so upset , and led me to brainstorm and come up with the term POLLOCRACY in 1990 was the fact that TED KOPPEL of ABC NEWS, in his interview with DUKAKIS had used the poll numbers to imply that Dukakis, being 13 points behind BUSH , could not be optimistic about winning. ( interview of Oct. 25 1988).
IN FACT, Ted Koppel did it again to Dennis Kucinik in the 2004 campaign.
Why do you continue your campaign , since you are so far behind the other candidates ?

So, you see that where Political Polls are concerned, the poll numbers have a very insiduous influence and create an unlevel playing field which I consider anti-democratic.
Especially since we have no way to really ascertain if the poll numbers are correct and have not been schewed to actually create an advantage for a particular candidate and that candidate a FRONT-RUNNER STATUS.........

SO, Ted Koppel has really given proof to my theory of the political phenomenon of POLLOCRACY actually influencing the outcome of elections. be continued

PS. please go to and read the letter mentionning Ted Koppel (Nov 2, 1988 ) as well as the letter introducing POLLOCRACY in the political vocabulary of this country.
the title was not my choice but the editors of Ann Arbor News.( Say No, to American Pollocracy)
I would have liked it better if American was left out.


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