Friday, April 09, 2010


April 9, 2010

This morning I heard on that bombastic morning JOE that POLLS had DECLARED the DEMS approval NUMBERS hit a 18 year LOW. !!!

I have had it, with these POLLoCRATS who are obviously trying to SWIFTBOAT the DEM's Majority.

CAN ANY intelligent person even Believe that ??

I mean come on, they must have called all the tea Baggers to get that result.
Pollocrats are given a list of 1000 phone numbers from GOP/teabagger mailing list.........the polling company may add a few more VOILA , the desired result of IMPENDING DOOM for the DEMS.

RUBBISH I say. I mean would any fair-minded citizen think LESS WELL of the Dems for having passed the HEALTH care into law ?
!8 year low ???? come on !
and by the way I did not hear what that POLL found about the favorability of the GOP........they swept it under the rug?

As I said several times before, DO NOT BELIEVE those numbers.
DO not allow those numbers to prevent you from being FIRED UP.

LET us deliver a blow to those PHONEY Predictions who count on demoralizing you NOT TO VOTE and that is how their prediction will become TRUE.
and they will CLAIM ACCURACY.

SO >>>>>>>>>>>>>> LET US PROVE THEM WRONG by remaining FIRED UP

and VOTING for DEMS so they can PROTECT and IMPROVE the health care Law that was so difficult to pass.

IT IS UP TO YOUR VOTES .........and NOT to the POLL NUMBERS. !!


Blogger dsws said...

Would any fair-minded citizen think less well of the Dems for having passed the health care into law?

Only if they're not paying attention, and have just heard that it's controversial. People think less well of both parties for having let the Great Recession happen. GOP approval is down too, but not as much. Partly that's because it didn't have as far to fall, partly it's that the news about the health care law has reminded them that the Dems are in charge now, and partly it's that the far right has been fired up and talking to their friends.

It's not just voting. We need to talk to our friends, donate to campaigns, volunteer for campaigns, and so on.

7:35 PM  
Blogger dsws said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

7:35 PM  
Blogger malee said...

DSWS you are quite correct.
i will be heartbroken if the Progressives do not get fired up and VOTE to PREVENT the GOP to return to Power.
LET's mobilize to STOP the GOPers/Teabaggers.
the choice is clear REPEAL/replace or PROTECT and IMPROVE Health CARE law

6:58 PM  

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