Monday, December 28, 2009

WHY ???

December 28, 2009

OK, why WHY on earth do people believe in political POLL Numbers ?

MY CLAIM is that it is our believing in them and the influence it has on the analysts in the
media and the constant repetition of the Numbers in the Media will CREATE AN ATMOSPHERE that is bound to make people think this is true................and it will ENERGIZE one candidate's supporters while DEMORALIZING and depressing the other candidate's supporters.................THUS affecting the TURNOUT
and ...................making the poll numbers ........self-fulling prophecy.

So, This Phenomenon of the influence of POLL Numbers on the electorate , and thus on the result of election has made me coin the term POLLoCRACY way back in 1990 when Dukakis was 13 points behind Bush in 1988.

The only way we can protect DEMOCRACY against POLLOCRACY is NOT TO BELIEVE them or let it INFLUENCE our MORALE and VOTING.

If the Polls predict one candidate ahead of another, in the last week of elections and the difference is small between the 2 it has been in the past few Presidential elections, it can be as good as our own guess about the outcome.

BUT , if the Polls claim that DEM candidate is about 13 Points behind the Rep. candidate (like it was in 1988 ) , then what happens is that the people who wanted to vote for the DEM candidate .
Now i would like to know BY how much of the popular vote Dukakis lost.

Monday, December 21, 2009

To believe or NOT to ???

December 21, 2009

2 days ago I had a very good flash of UNDERSTANDING.

It was about the ACCURACY or the FALLACY of accepting Poll NUMBERS as GOSPEL TRUTH.

1- The discovery was this simple realization that Pollsters are careful during elections to give out ACCURATE Numbers...............WHY?

because the election is just in a week .............and if they guess wrong , they will lose credibily.

2- BUT during the IN-BETWEEN period like we are in NOW...................what do you think they are UP TO ??

well...............POLLoCRATS feel they have a FREE HAND to actually MAKE OPINION , create TRENDS and ADVANCE their personal or their PATRONS 's POLITICAL AGENDA.

SO, knowing that numbers have a tendency to become SELF_FULFILLING prophecies . BECAUSE people and specially the TALKING the MEDIA actually act as if the POLL NUMBERS .............are GOSPEL TRUTH.

So, take the advice of the person who first COINED the term POLLOCRACY in a letter published in Ann ARBOR NEWS on May 4, 1990 ie almost 20 years ago.
Do you know what is the definition of POLLOCRACY.................THE DICTATORSHIP of the Pollocrats................who shape public opinion by their questionning and the people they choose to call on.
You probably have heard Politicians say that you CAN MAKE Polls say whatever YOU WANT.!!!

So excercise SKEPticism AND EVEN cynicism . Your belief could be LEthal to our DEMOCRACY.
just think this DEMOCRACY or POLLOCRACY

Democracy is achieved with our VOTES while Pollocracy about 1000 people's OPINION !!

iF you are LUCKY TO GET A CALL for your opinion remember the difference !!

and PLEASE try to find the intent of the pollster and if not sure do as I do during elections..................I HAVE NOT DECIDED YET !
In between elections like now , I am willing to even LIE to THEM .

Wednesday, December 09, 2009

USA election Polls

Dec 9 2009

i do not have to transcribe the numbers from the email i received today


Dec 9, 2009

Yesterday I noticed something I want to share with you.

As you know, Public opinion INDUSTRY has become a huge business . Everyday of the year Poll numbers are dished out as GOSPEL TRUTH without any scientific basis.
I will concentrate here about the Polls on POLITICAL issues.

There is absolutely no way that we can prove or disprove them. Yet whenever a poll number is pleasant to some political person or TALKING head..........they will use it as the gospel truth .
Recently ever since the Health Care reform angered the health industry, the poll numbers of OBAMA began falling .
this trend continued till it hit below 50 %

The POLLoCRATS ( ie pollsters with a political agenda ) knowing full well that in the present political atmosphere NO ONE WOULD DOUBT the falling numbers......felt a free hand to serve their goal which was the SWIFTBOATING of the PRESIDENT and his PARTY and his POLICIES as LIMBAUGH et al had declared from the start............mission accomplished

WHAT I noticed yesterday was the following :
During election campaigns.....specially as the election day nears.............Pollocrats know that they must try to guess correctly because if they miss the mark and predict badly, their REPUTATION and BUSINESS is at stake.

BUT between election they feel totally free to carry On their AGENDA to advance or thwart a party or politician or a political movement etc etc..................because no one can prove them they carry on with the agenda

This is EXACTLY what has happened since let us say August and the TOWN HALL and the TEA Parties and deficits and debt and BAIL OUTS etc.

the atmosphere being anti etc was carried over to Obama the congress and the Dem. party etc................and all these were polled to come DOWN and DOWN and DOWN

NO ONE CAN PROVE THEM WRONG.............and the Pollocrats know it , there is no election now.

SO the POLLoCRATS get busy and busy SHAPING and PAVING the way for whatever they have in mind or whoever has paid them more or is smarter.

so when you see Obama's poll numbers drop ....................NO WORRY hold tight...........we are in a ride to 2010

Friday, December 04, 2009

POLL numbers manipulation

dec 4 CNN