Friday, September 30, 2011

who do you blame poll

SEP 30 , 2011

This morning at least a CNN/ORC Poll came out

WHO is to blame for the Economy ?

Bush and the Republicans 52 % ?!

Obama and Dems 32 %

At least on this simple but broad and IMPORTANT question Americans are FAIR and informed. Thank GOD

On the State of the Economy ....................10 % said GOOD
90 % said BAD

Thursday, September 29, 2011


Sep 29, 2011

New Poll shows the ENTHOUSIASM Gap

Republicans 58 %

Democrats 3

ED show is talking now about this ...............GET ENGAGED in Politics.

POLLS ........... trying to DOWN Talk Democrats with POLL numbers.

Monday, September 26, 2011


Sep 26, 2011

The citizens declared affiliation :

Very Liberal 7 %
Somewhat Liberal............10 %
Moderate ........................ 40 %
Conservative ........ 23 %
Very Conservative 17 %

I see 40 % are in the conservative camp THe rest 50 % PLUS are Liberal and CLoset Liberals. or potential Liberals when the STIGMA put on Liberalism disappears.