Friday, July 29, 2011

The NEW American Dream

july 29, 2011

47 % of Americans say that they just want to have enough money to retire !

17 % having a Home

5% College for kids

4 % pay their college Loans

sad state of affairs..........................SO when Pollsters interpret the dissatisfaction of Americans about the Economy as dissatisfaction about OBAMA

The Pollocrats Are WRONG .......................
IT IS this HORRIBLE BACKGROUND that they should be blaming and NOT OBAMA

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

PEW Research Polls

july 26, 2011

Pew Research Poll which is a trust worthy Poll

68 % compromise
23 % stick to your priciples


72 % raise TAX on Rich

66% Raise CAP on SS

64% Tax Hedge fund

61 % raise premium Medicare for richer

59 % Oil companies tax subsidies

83% are afraid Debt ceiling not be raised

56 % do revenue and spending cuts

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

POLL numbers

July 20, 2011

NBC/WSJ poll

Obama approval 47 %

...........disapproval 48%

People BLAME the Republicans more

ED shcultz POLL .......................would you vote for someone who CUT the BIG 3 ?

6 % yes 94 % NO