Monday, April 25, 2011

70% WRONG track

April 25. 2011

For several days there have been POLLS measuting the WRONG TRACK

Today it was said that 70 % of people think the Country is on the WRONG Track !

what it means is that people are DISSATISFIED with the way things are for themselves .

But let us see what this REALLY MEANS.

Since the Country is OBVIOUSLY going in the ...... political RIGHT Direction . can only mean that that people think this Right DIRECTION is the WRONG DIRECTION.!!!

or in other , it really means the Country is on the WRONG Track , because the RIGHT track is the WRONG Track.!!!!

SURE the country has been going in the wrong direction for over 30 years..on the DEregulations and TAX CUTS (Reaganomics and Huge TAX cuts from 70 % to 35 ? %

The Strategy was to STARVE the BEAST (GOV ) so it would lead to DISMANTLING the Social Safety nets that only the Democratic Party was able to Establish and which were all HATED by the GOPers including REAGAN.

Usually , Some Policies work at first because they please one Sector , so we do not notice the damage at first......................then ONE DAY , finally the chickens come to roost and you suddenly see.......... OH what a MESS !

That happened in 2008 ....................and all we have been doing since is just to CORRECT the wrongs.

Monday, April 18, 2011

GALLUP dirty trick

April 18, 2011 Do you know what GALLUP was up to ? well , they designed a special question for their polling . SHOULD GOV raise HEAVY taxes in order to REDISTRIBUTE wealth ? look at the 2 dirty trick words HEAVY taxes and REDISTRIBUTE the buzz word for Socialism Gallup thus was able to declare the result as Americans are evenly divided 47 % agree 49 % oppose while other polls who did not use the 2 dirty trick words had people agreeing to raise taxes on the Rich by over 60 %. SO you see how important it was for me to name that political Polling phenomenom POLLOCRACY !

Sunday, April 17, 2011


April 17 , 2011 I just read a good post by Jack w.Germond on the Daily Beast, titled " 2012 Presidential Election Polls' dirty trick " Here is my comment to him , as my post for today. Mr Germond About that right track vs wrong track question pollocrats like to ask . This is actually a dirty trick question, because when the Economy is bad, people will tend to say it is on the WRONG track. Now, Since Bernanke has come out to say that the UNEMPLOYMENT will not return to normal levels before 4 to 5 years (2015) , it will mean that JOBS will not come back much and we will be perhaps at a higher unemployment rate of 9 % by election 2012, it is obvious that people WILL CONTINUE to say the Country is on the WRONG Track. I claim that this should not be interpreted as a bad sign for Obama and the DEMSn if people are RATIONAL and heard what Bernanke predicted. Several reasons for that ............: 1- what Bernanke said about the unemployment not getting normal until 2015 2- WHERE are the JOBS ? should be asked of GOPers who got the Bush tax cut extended again 3- the Republican claim that GOV does not create jobs......... so WHY expect jobs from GOV ?? Now to the most important point I would like to make: Actually, I think the country has been going in the RIGHT track for over 30 years, so much so that it has now reached the FAR RIGHT position ever. So you can see there is a difference between the TRACK of the COUNTRY and the Personal track of the Citizens. The people express PERSONAL discontent , while totally OBLIVIOUS to the political REALITY of the situation of the Country.................which is YES the country IS ON THE RIGHT TRACK.

Never OVERESTIMATE the answers of the people to the POLLOCRATS question which is designed to get that result.


Thursday, April 07, 2011


April 7, 2011 about 3 weeks ago, i heard the POLLOCRATS had decided to ask the following question : 1- DOES President Obama DESERVE a second term ? the replies were not promising , i cannot remember exactly but certainly about less than 50 %. However , I am wondering . Did Polls ask this same question about other Presidents running for re-election ? OR is it a NEW WAY to hit this Prez.