Sunday, November 14, 2010

poll question Which direction ?

Nov 14. 2010

When the Economy is bad and the joblessness is High like now 9.6 %, how can anyone reply that it is going in the Right Direction, meaning it is in good shape.?

So, the meaning of a majority saying it is not going in the right direction is not that the Economy has not improved since Obama was elected.

As far as I am concerned , I prefer to say the Economy is going in the CORRECT Direction , which means it is improving.

Also , it is really irritating when a poll number shows a 54 % for and 46 %
against some issue.................IT IS Declared as if it is settled come 46 % being against it Does no matter ??

This is like lack of respect for the minority , which is ANTI Democratic.
while this should not be satisfactory . We must respect the view of the 46%, wonder why they think otherwise .
The poll numbers are used in a bad way by the Pundits on the Cable shows. So their interpretation does not take that into account. so it is UNFAIR to a big chunk of the people.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Of course it is not going in the RIGHT direction !!

NOV 11, 2010

You all have heard the saying that Pollocrats and Pundits love to repeat

" People think the country is not going in the RIGHT direction."

my answer is :

OF COURSE , the country is not going in the Right Direction , it is going in the CORRECT Direction.!!

too bad people did not understand this........................America has been going in the rightist direction for over 30 years , ie since Reagan................deregulations and globalization Nafta etc....................all jobs gone

the US Middle Class had to die


Nov 11, 2010

Well , the Pollocrats managed to do it this time.............create a self-fulfilling prophecy.
For over a year , they started creating a negative trend with the help of the megaphone of Cable Pundits and the GOPer/Teabag..ers lies and false accusations.
They poisoned the well ...............KILLED the HOPE just to bring back the GOPers.

The standard question of
Is the country going in the wrong direction ? meaning the country is not going in the RIGHT direction is really a tricky one.

1. anytime things are not going in this huge is easy to say it is not going to go in the right direction.............

After hearing this so many times , I have some interesting take on this , which I would like to share with you. in my next post title of it will be :

"OF course it is not going in the RIGHT Direction !!!"