jan 22, 2010
THEY talked about POLL numbers constantly before the election
BUT after the results came in NO One even mentionned that HEY the POLLS had predicted SCOTT the trucker ahead by 9 points (
insiderAdvantage of Politico )and another polling dompany by 7 points .
while the Dailykos said 48 to 48.............and had the Dems not STAYED HOME........this was would have been less wrong than the other 2 polls. but the result came in 51.1% to 47.1 % so only 4 points
waiting to see the Absentee ballots.
Apparently, the polling after the election showed that many Dems voted for Brown to show their discontent.
APPARENTLY also a fact that was found was that 800,000 more people had voted for OBAMA..........so you can imagine how many did NOT BOTHER.
only 50,000 Democrats had voted for SCOTT BROWN.