Thursday, January 28, 2010

WORDS have meanings

Jan 28, 2010

cut SPENDINGs means collect taxes but do not spend it on programs to help people !

Friday, January 22, 2010

MA election

jan 22, 2010

THEY talked about POLL numbers constantly before the election

BUT after the results came in NO One even mentionned that HEY the POLLS had predicted SCOTT the trucker ahead by 9 points ( insiderAdvantage of Politico )
and another polling dompany by 7 points .
while the Dailykos said 48 to 48.............and had the Dems not STAYED HOME........this was would have been less wrong than the other 2 polls.

but the result came in 51.1% to 47.1 % so only 4 points
waiting to see the Absentee ballots.

Apparently, the polling after the election showed that many Dems voted for Brown to show their discontent.
APPARENTLY also a fact that was found was that 800,000 more people had voted for you can imagine how many did NOT BOTHER.
only 50,000 Democrats had voted for SCOTT BROWN.

Monday, January 18, 2010

2.24.2009 GOOD POLLING

Jan 18, 2010

On the eve of the MA special election , ...................
I went to look at my posts and found several telling ones .

IT is very interesting .............please read it titled GOOD POLLING and CBS/NYTIMES

IN THAT POLL people were asked how long do you give Obama to fix the economy ?

answer 2 years !!!!! today we stand on the eve of his first year......................and people are MAD AS HELL thanks to the HATRED spun by the GOP/teapartiers/palin /Fox

TOMORROW jan 19 if the DEMS go out to vote despite everything.........................the DEMS can win it and prove that VOTES count more than POLL numbers.

POSTof july29/09 Pollocracy VS OBAMA

January 18. 2010

THE polling events in Massachussetts these past few days have proved me right in so far as I have been writing and warning about the .............use of POLLING to create a TREND , specifically ordered by the DREAM scenario of the they could write the story of how to break OBAMA and hand him his WATERLOO ..............just one day short of his FIRST YEAR in OFFICE..........!!!

Tonight my sister called to say that BBC had signaled that this was a PLAN..........

i am sad even if I feel i was and am right .

PS please read the post of july 29/2009 where i wrote how Pollocracy was trying to swiftboat Obama's Health care agenda

Friday, January 15, 2010

Pollocracy at work in MA

January 15, 2010

In the month of December I warned about POLLOCRACY and our tendency to believe in the numbers.

today I was vindicated because of what is happening in Massachussets.

I am too upset to write now it is past 12 am that is we are on Jan 16..............

to be continued