June 24, 2009
NY Times Poll shows 72 % want a Public Option plan
# 58% would be willing to pay tax for that
But Washington Post /ABC poll today shows public option
are you concerned that public option would
1- cost would increase 81% yes 18 %
2- reduce quality 84% yes
3- doctor choice 79%
4- Increase deficit 84 %
i am not absolutely sure of the numbers ...............but i am writing this just because i am sad and want to witness
NY Times Poll shows 72 % want a Public Option plan
# 58% would be willing to pay tax for that
But Washington Post /ABC poll today shows public option
are you concerned that public option would
1- cost would increase 81% yes 18 %
2- reduce quality 84% yes
3- doctor choice 79%
4- Increase deficit 84 %
i am not absolutely sure of the numbers ...............but i am writing this just because i am sad and want to witness