Wednesday, August 27, 2008

pollocracy vs democracy

august 27,2008

The overseas trip Obama took and passed with such flying colors unleashed so much JEALOUSY among the Republican RULERS that they decided to UNLEASH the Rovian Tactics against him to destroy his strongest point.
So , the Rove buddies entered his campaign to help Poor Senator McCain to BRING UP HIS POLL NUMBERS. and SWIFTBOAT OBAMA's success.

so , They hired the Pollocrats and gave them a bunch of questions to Poll people with.

1- who do you think is riskier ?
2- who do you think would be a stronger Commander in chief ?
3- who do you think would be stronger against Terrorism ?

Sunday, August 24, 2008


The POLLOCRATS have tried ever since the amazingly successful Obama Foreign trip to ..........SWIFTBOAT Obama with their insinuating Polling questions and the resulting numbers.
They have diminished themselves even more in my eyes.
THEIR numbers are absolutely wrong , and designed to make it a CLOSE RACE.
The media Talking heads use them to make the 2 campaigns spend more money on attack ads.
Please People , PLEASE do not allow the numbers to influence you .
OBAMA being Black has been the UNDERDOG from the start to the finish.
The Bradley effect cannot be discounted .

The influence of bad poll numbers on the psyche of the DEMS and better numbers on the McCain campaign is so obvious in the past 2-3 weeks that no one can deny the power of POLLOCRACY to influence the course of elections specially this one .

Sunday, August 10, 2008

DUBIOUS questionning ( FETNEH )

sunday august 10, 08

POLLOCRATS and their chattering class echo chamber do not ask question to know your answer
no NO they ask question to start DOUBT
1- WHY IS NOT OBAMA further ahead ???
why is he lagging in the Polls compared to The DEM party ?


3- Who would be a better commander in chief ?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Amazing/disgusting too

august 7, 2008

I am truly disgusted REVOLTED at what the POLLOCRATS and their loudspeaker - Talking heads on the Cable and so-called analysts are trying to SWIFTBOAT OBAMA's lead in the Polls by
1- asking questions designed to showcase McCain strength and Obama's weakness
2- Now that the Polls show Obama leading by 4 -5 -6 points nationally, the analysts talking heads say BUT WHY IS OBAMA not really more ahead ........etc
