2 Gallup poll results in one day
july 28.2008
look it up in Huffington Post by Seth colter Walls " 2 different Poll results in one day"
Gallup daily tracking Poll : OBAMA 48% McCain 40 %
Gallup/USA today : McCain 4 point lead on OBAMA
I really am confused about the LIKELY VOTERS and unlikely voters
POLLOCRATS are going crazy...................Scientific ??? My EYE
Please do not allow POLL NUMBERS to influence you
go to www.pollocracy.com or just GOOGLE POLLOCRACY
look it up in Huffington Post by Seth colter Walls " 2 different Poll results in one day"
Gallup daily tracking Poll : OBAMA 48% McCain 40 %
Gallup/USA today : McCain 4 point lead on OBAMA
I really am confused about the LIKELY VOTERS and unlikely voters
POLLOCRATS are going crazy...................Scientific ??? My EYE
Please do not allow POLL NUMBERS to influence you
go to www.pollocracy.com or just GOOGLE POLLOCRACY