Sunday, December 29, 2013

POLLOCRATS at it again

Dec 29 , 2013

Here  we  go again. !

The Pollocrats, ie Pollsters with  a political agenda  will  JUMP  on any  major event  Positive or Negative for  a Political figure  or an institurion ,  to CREATE  a REVERSAL,  A  NEW  TREND .

That  is  the  EASY  stuff.  Because first  some  EVENT  has happened  that  everybody heard about  which may be NEGATIVE  or POSITIVE  ADVANCE  or  RETRACT  Poll  numbers.

During the campaign  2012   such an event  was  the FIRST  Presidential Debate
It allowed  the Pollocrats  to  ADVANCE  ROMNEY  .............

The  Government SHUT DOWN   .......bad  numbers   for the GOP
nobody questions  the numbers  because  there is a sense  that  Yes  that  was  bad

The  OBAMACARE  website   again     led  to  creating BAD  TREND  for  GOV efficiency  and 

The  LINE  President used  again and again  which  was  YOU CAN KEEP YOUR PLAN....... etc  was  not  drafed  unfortunately
I am  too tired to do it now

Thursday, January 24, 2013


Jan 24  , 2013

Rachel Maddow  showed a very important  GALLUP  Poll   measuring People  sentiment on a host of issues

There was  about 8  questions   and ALL  were      54%     to    91 %   with the Obama admin

making  WE  the PEOPLE   .......CENTER - LEFT    

NEW  Center Left  America  as Ed show put it and   

McConnell  said   :  THE  ERA  of   LIBERALISM  is  BACK  ! 

 as in  the Title of HuffPost   wrote.

I Remember  what  i used to say and write  here on this  blog 
about the MEANING of  REPLY  to the Poll  question 
about  RIGHT  track or WRONG   time

i wrote  that  WHEN people say the US  is  on the wrong track   it means  exactly  that  .
SINCE the US has been on the RIGHT WING  track  for so long .................they  were saying  that RIGHT WINGing  USA  is  NOT  GOOD...............
so they said  US is  on the WRONG   TRACK.

SO NOW  is  STARTING  on  the   GOOD    TRACK  which  is  the LIBERAL track or Progressive  track

Hallelujah    Jesus  is  where the Heart  is  on the Left  of Center 

LEFT   starts  with  LOVE

Thursday, January 03, 2013

The Platinum coin ?

Jan 3 , 2013

Last night I read something about the idea of the TRILLION  dollar  PLATINUM  COIN .
an article by  James Hamilton 
Washington Post  Dec 8, 2012
SOME personal notes  needed  to be written here for History's  sake :

I am writing it here about this  because of the  OUT of the BOX idea  I have had ( since Sep 2008 ) after the Lehman borther and AIG  bankruptcy .....GLOBAL crisis demanding a GLOBAL solution.

remembering  UK Embassy and PM  Gordon Brown visit

March 17 , 2009  my  request from P B of  FBI  to give a letter to the Director to .give to the President  etc

mystery ?  yes . but secrecy is essential .

Sunday, December 30, 2012


Sunday Dec 30,  2012

Last night on the LAST WORD  .someone said that the  GALLUP  poll was  a LOSER 
or did they say LOST  cache

Predicting  wrong. 
I have a theory  about what  GALLUP was doing  .

First  they mostly  were  tilting in the polls to favor  Rmoney
Then  after the Convention  things turned and it was GALLUP  that showed Obama higher than other polls

Then Limbaugh and all  RWingers  came out and complained that the polls  were deciding the election etc etc

THEN  came  the FIRST  DEBATE  .................and that gave the OPPORTUNITY for GALLUP  and other polls  to ADVANCE  HUGELY ... RMONEY  and create  the MOMENTUM  that  decides  the election in favor of  their preferred candidate.which was  RMONEY  of course.

THAT  was  the creation of the Momentum  (artificial ) is what  Pollocrats   usually do to advance  their preferred  candidates  and that  is also how they INFLUENCE  the OUTCOME/result of Elections.

Gallup  created  a  momentum and got washed away  as if hit by  the Super Storm Sandy.


Google On Coining Pollocracy in 1990

Saturday, September 29, 2012



Sep 29, 2012

for 2-3 days now, the  LOW poll numbers  for Rmoney are making the Republicans  panic and turn their anger  to Polling.
The Media and Pollsters  are in cohoots to make Rmoney lose.

So   karl ROVE and Limbaugh and Rmoney said things  about Polling  that  I had  foreseen  21 years ago

1- Rmoney :You can make polls  say whatever you want  depending  on what you ask, or how you ask it
2- Limbaugh  :  ..  designed to communicate the race is Over    etc
3-  Rove :  we endow them (polls)  with a false scientific ....

SO, you see  the  EFFECT  of the Poll  numbers  on the PSYCHE    , and thus  effect  on the turnout

>>>>>>>>>>>  the DEMS  must  get  energized  to go to VOTE and WIN  if that   keeps  up.

IN any  case  the  REAL  POLL  is  NOV  6.
But no doubt  that  MORALE  is   positive  

Saturday, September 22, 2012

GALLUP tracking Poll

Sept 22, 2012

Once again the only Poll  showing neck and neck  is  GALLUP Poll   President  Obama  47  /  47  Rmoney
Most  others  show  Obama  ahead by about 5 points

Pew  even by 8 points       CNN  Poll of Polls   Obama 49 %   to Rmoney  44 %
Swing State  Polls   Florida , Ohio,      Obama 50  to R   either  45 or 44     etc

How  numbers  make us  happy ?  Influence of POLL  on the Psyche

HEY  Limbaugh  when  he saw  the bad Rmoney  numbers  ....they do not  opinion...?..............BUT  to SHAPE it 
It was  Sep 12  on @ Lawrence   

Monday, September 10, 2012


Sep 10, 2012

WELL,  fnally  LIMBAUGH  declares  that  the BAD  poll numbers  for Rmoney  are TOOLS of Voter SUPPRESSION .

SO , My definition of  POLLOCRACY  was  the POWER of  the POLLS  to  INFLUENCE  the OUTCOME of ELECTIONs....................................has been proven by  LIMBAUGH !!

I of  course  saw this phenomenon  in1988  and coined  a word  for it  POLLOCRACY  .
It was introduced  in a letter to the Editor  published  on MAY  4, 1990
THAT was  22 years  ago.

The way Bad Poll Numbers  suppress Voters, is that  Bad Poll numbers will  DEMORALIZE voters, and since  it is normal that  demoralized people who think the  candidate will lose, WILL  NOT  BOTHER  to GO OuT  to VOTE  for a Loser.
(He loses,  so I lose  too by voting for him )

WELL,  i could say   we are even , now,  BUT No the GOP regulations  for Voter ID  are the REAL DEAL
Bad Poll numbers  are only  temporary can can be overcome.IF PEOPLE  are AWARE of their influence.

What  Limbaugh 's comment  proves, is that  BAD Poll numbers  DEMORALIZES  Voters  and  will  decrease  their  TURN OUT.